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Best place to grow weed outdoors

The Best Place To Grow Weed Outdoors: A Complete Guide

Posted in: Growing Outdoors
December 2, 2021

What is the best place to grow weed? With the latest technological developments in artificial gardening and the ingenuity of individual cultivators, the answer isn’t as straightforward as it used to be.

One fact hasn’t changed, though. Things of nature grow best in natural environments.

Of course, we’re not trying to discourage anybody from setting up shop in a spare room. If the conditions for the open-air alternative aren’t ideal, go ahead. Outdoor weed growing has some decisive advantages, though. 

For one, heaps of money doesn’t need to be spent on grow room equipment. The sun fattens your buds, and the ground brings out their full aromatic bouquet. Cannabis plants grow lush, tall, and strong without space restrictions, yielding abundance across multiple bud sites.

If you’re eager to start using the great outdoors as your grow room, you’re in the right place. Today, we’re sharing everything you need to know to determine the best spot for cultivating marijuana outdoors

Outside weed
Weed outdoors

This first factor has nothing to do with gardening as a practice. Still, it can make or break every next step on your path towards having thriving weed plants outside your home.

Knowing the law is the basis of cannabis cultivation. We’d advise anybody against giving canna growers worldwide a bad rep by ignoring the regulations. What’s more, why would you want somebody to take away your plant before it hits that ripe stage of absolute perfection?

The laws on growing pot outdoors (and in general) keep shifting across the US. At this point, you can’t know for sure whether things will change between vegging and flowering. 

Follow these two rules to stay informed and on the right side of the law:

  • Always go with the current set of regulations. The situation’s improving, but it’s best not to act on over-optimistic predictions.
  • Find a reputable news org that regularly reports on cannabis laws. Stay up-to-date with any potential changes and act proactively rather than reactively. 

For instance, Californians may grow marijuana outdoors, but their garden needs to stay out of sight and locked up. If you dream of a stretchy giant of sativa, you’ll have to change your plans or wait for the laws to become more permissive. 

To make matters even more complicated, the nitty-gritty of statutes, rules, allowances, and provisions changes from one state to the next. We keep track of states where growing weed is legal on Homegrown, where you can learn the details. 

Even if the situation seems grim at the moment, there’s no reason to lose hope. Changes are occurring, and the 420 community is winning.

The takeaway is simple. The best place to grow weed depends on your state of residence. With the legal basics down, we can move on to the more fun aspects of this exciting topic. 

Benefits of growing marijuana outdoors

We’ve determined that you can grow marijuana outdoors, but why should you? Besides money, what are the reasons people forego the comfort of controlled indoor conditions for the much more unstable outdoor setups? Here are three legitimate ones.

Higher yields

Indoor marijuana crops face space restrictions, even when a grow room is large with high ceilings. Seeds develop into smaller herbs, and that size decrease equals fewer bud sites. The result is a lower overall output. 

Especially if you’re a sativa enthusiast wanting to take full advantage of these stretchy beauties, the open air is the way to go. 

Growing pot outdoors lets each marijuana plant develop to its maximum potential. In some cases, the height doubles. Of course, these large structures require more care on your end, but that’s beside the point. With enough skill, you get more buds at harvest time. 

Higher-quality buds

Marijuana outdoors has the chance to develop in entirely natural conditions. You can do your best to replicate these in controlled indoor setups, but nothing beats mother earth in the greenery-production department

The natural soil and sunlight exposure encourage terpene and cannabinoid production, which leads to more potent buds with intricate, full-bodied flavor profiles. 

Marijuana flowering outdoors
Marijuana flowering outdoors

Higher discretion levels

Even if you checked the laws and found that growing outdoor weed is a-okay, we need to face the facts. Our favorite green plant is still stigmatized in many cultures (including ours), and not everybody will look favorably at your new gardening project.

If you have a secluded gardening location, everything seems pretty innocuous. Visiting family members stumbling into a room with running grow lights, exhaust fans, and automatic watering systems make for an entirely different story. 

Also, your landlord might have an issue with an indoor setup, even if it’s entirely legal. Cultivating marijuana outdoors is much less of a concern. They might never notice your new crop flourishing between the roses and the tomatoes.

What do I need for successful outdoor weed growing?

We’ll get into the individual aspects of the best place to grow weed in a second. Before diving into the deets, let’s discuss the factors necessary for a successful pot garden.

Are you a rookie, or is it your first time trying this setup? In that case, we wouldn’t suggest thinking about specific nutrient solutions, training methods, and techniques such as lollipopping just yet. Get the basics down first, and decide on the extras upon germinating the seeds.

What do you require to make your marijuana outdoors flourish?

For starters, you need cannabis seeds. Pick a strain that grows best in your climate. Never try to cultivate a tropical herb in a colder state or vice versa. Instead, think about the benefits and limitations of your environment and choose accordingly. 

A water supply is necessary for vegetation to thrive, but it’s better to skip the nearby rivers or creeks. Apart from being potentially illegal, this water isn’t ideal for weed plants outdoors. Instead, get a pump and hose for large setups or a simple watering basket for several plants. 

Accessibility is an indispensable factor that’s so obvious that people forget about it sometimes. Your herbs should stay within reach for simple feedings and waterings, as well as troubleshooting problems. Planting crops several feet from one another is a good idea.

Safety is the final ingredient for growing pot outdoors. Put up a fence that shields plants from harsh wind and build an overhead structure you can pull up in case of heavy rainfall. Introduce protection from common pests and animals that would like to munch on your marijuana. 

Cannabis farm outdoor
Cannabis farm outdoor

How to choose the best place to grow weed outdoors

The best place to grow weed outdoors can’t be just a free plot of land you ran into on your walk. It has to meet certain criteria to produce those naturally-grown colas of your desires and make the extra effort of outdoor cultivation worth the trouble. Consider these essential factors:

Quality soil

Growing outdoor strains means that you’ll sow your cannabis seeds in the soil, which should be fertile and nutrient-rich enough for your strain of choice

As a rule of thumb, if green vegetation grows in your area, the dirt is probably good enough for cannabis. Otherwise, enrichment with compost makes a world of difference. Go for it if your marijuana plants start showing signs of deficiencies.

Sunlight exposure

Where does weed grow best? How much sunlight does a weed plant need? Choose a spot that consistently receives plenty of sunshine, and especially at midday. Sun is essential for photosynthesis, encouraging vigorous growth and higher yields down the line. 

Choose a spot without any buildings, trees, or fences that create afternoon shade. That way, the sunny spring and summer days ensure that your marijuana plants grow healthy and strong. 

Weed under sunlight
Weed under sunlight

Adequate airflow

Another factor that helps marijuana outdoors develop into a sturdy, healthy structure is the presence of a gentle breeze

Any harsh wind is bad news, but consistent airflow strengthens the stems and prevents mold issues. Again, pick a spot not directly obstructed by another structure. 


Remember that marijuana outdoors needs just as many hours of light and dark as its indoor counterpart. Try to keep your garden away from streetlights and heavy nighttime traffic that could disturb the natural vegetative processes and stress your cannabis.


Your weed plants outdoors should be safe from intruders and casual passers-by who feel like picking a cola to take home. Some state laws require discretion, too. Others don’t, but in any case, a locked fence that keeps your crops protected is a good idea.

Where do people normally grow weed plants outdoors?

Not everybody has the ideal garden for growing outdoor weed, so many inventive cultivators came up with alternatives. Here’s where people usually place their marijuana plants, ordered from the least to the most limiting option.


City dwellers in apartment complexes still want to cultivate weed plants outdoors. Balcony gardening limits the number of crops you can have, but it works as long as your terrace faces either the sunrise or the sunset

If this is your situation, remember to use quality potting soil and large enough containers. Take advantage of the fact that your marijuana plants already have protection from strong winds. Install a cover for nighttime use to prevent city light disruption for best results.

Marijuana on the balcony
Marijuana on the balcony


If you don’t have a balcony or the top of your building is all yours, use it as the center for growing marijuana outdoors. Headroom restrictions and space limitations are a non-issue here, too. 

A roof terrace offers sunlight exposure all day long, which is a plus. You still need to use soil in containers—concrete isn’t a good growing medium—and install windscreens to prevent strong gusts of wind. 

Open fields

An open field near your home is the second-best location for growing outdoor weed. You have more than enough space, other plants and herbs to hide your activities from onlookers, and soil that already caters to vegetation.

Since fields are usually wild plots of land, be sure to inspect them for pests. Amend the soil if it’s too dry or compact for cannabis cultivation, and install protection from extreme weather conditions that are common in your area.

Home gardens

Weed plants outdoors in home gardens reap the same benefits as those in open fields. There’s also the bonus of you getting to regulate what grows on your land. 

You can add several cannabis crops to your other gardening experiments, taking advantage of the symbiotic relationship that vegetation forms. Keep your outdoor marijuana guarded and strive to optimize everything. You’re in control here—use that fact to boost crop well-being.

Marijuana in a home garden.
Marijuana plants grow in a home garden

Growing weed outdoors: Handy tips

Once you determine the best place to grow weed outdoors for your situation, you’re ready to buy seeds and get your cultivation journey started. Let’s share some handy tips that we find to help rookie and expert growers beyond this point. 

Always know the law

We can’t stress this point enough. You can get the first-rate seeds, the finest soil, and the best climate to grow marijuana. It’s not worth your effort if you’re not following the law. 

We know that the situation is tricky and constantly shifting, but it’s on us to keep repeating this growing weed outdoors tip until we sound like a broken record. Take your aspirations, adapt them to meet your state regulations, and only then launch your gardening project. 

Protect your grow site

Keep your spot for growing outdoor weed safe from pests, predators, prying eyes, and wandering hands to maintain crop health and safety. 

You don’t want anybody passing judgment and ruining your vibe. Even worse, skipping on protection might let a curious animal chew on the foliage. 

Follow these rules:

  • Sow cannabis seeds near windbreaks
  • Keep plastic sheathing at hand
  • Plant tall shrubs and rows of trees
  • Install fences against pests and other animals
  • Introduce other plants to keep your crops secluded

Plant companion herbs

Companion herbs are other plants that bring various benefits to your marijuana outdoors. The perks don’t stop at making the crop less noticeable. They might also deter pests, attract beneficial bugs and bacteria, improve your soil, deepen aromatic bouquets, and boost yields.

Here are some herbs that act as symbiotic allies to cannabis:

  • Cerastium encourages beneficial microbial life 
  • Sunflowers protect your crops from slugs, aphids, and whiteflies
  • Red clover encourages nitrogen usage from the soil, boosting the vegetative stage 
  • Peppermint deters most pests and hides the telltale scent of marijuana 

The list doesn’t stop there, thanks to the wonders of natural ecosystems that keep our planet flourishing. Consider what issues you might face in even the best place to grow weed and find a herb that fixes it.

Growing Cannabis in a Greenhouse
Cannabis in a greenhouse

Best place to grow weed: FAQs

We’ll end by answering common community questions about the best places to grow weed. 

Where does weed grow best?

Cannabis thrives in conditions that most resemble its natural growing environment. That can be in the confines of an indoor grow room, but it’s often the great outdoors. 

When growing outdoor weed, ensure it gets direct sunlight exposure with adequate hours of darkness, rich soil, enough water, and ample nutrients.

Where is the best climate for growing weed outdoors?

The best climate to grow marijuana isn’t one-size-fits-all. It depends on the strain’s natural preferences. Here’s how it generally works:

  • Indica strains like warm and dry conditions, but they don’t mind summer night temperatures around 50° F.
  • Sativa strains enjoy tropical climates, with long, humid, sunny days and warm nights.
Cannabis outdoors in sunlight
Cannabis outdoors in sunlight

Use nature’s grow room

In the end, the best place to grow weed isn’t a free-for-all. It all depends on where you live, what you want to achieve, and what resources you have to make it happen. 

Remember these hallmarks of caring for weed plants outdoors and make them fit your situation:

  • Study your cultivar of choice and read experiences from other growers 
  • Prepare your tools beforehand
  • Pick strains that do well in your climate
  • Dedicate yourself to optimizing the natural conditions
  • Stay vigilant to prevent issues before they take a toll on your crops 

Stay tuned to our blog for more educational resources such as this guide. We’re here to ensure every marijuana garden thrives and awards the grower with the stickiest, fattest flowers. 

Now that you know how to lock in the best place to grow marijuana check our selection of the highest quality cannabis seeds and pick your champion. 

About the author: Parker Curtis

Parker Curtis has around a decade of cannabis-growing experience, specialising in soil-less and hydro grows. He’s mastering outdoor, greenhouse, and indoor grows.

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