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How to Make Firecracker Edibles

December 27, 2021

Today, we’re opening the cannabis cookbook to examine a truly classic culinary creation; the ageless, ol’ reliable firecracker edible.

Edibles are an excellent alternative to smoking that allows more people to enjoy the satisfying and beneficial effects of cannabis. If you’re bored of bongs, sick of spliffs, or simply don’t smoke, edibles can be a gratifying and healthy way to consume cannabis.

Online recipes provide users with a wealth of ways to incorporate marijuana into the kitchen. From cannabis-infused seafood pasta to weed-based citrus drizzle cakes, it’s a stoner chef’s dream.

If your kitchen skills aren’t up to scratch, or you don’t have the time for elaborate, complicated recipes, firecracker edibles are perfect. They’re sweet, simple, and a piece of cake to put together.

Stick with us, and we’ll show you how to make firecrackers. Give these weed firecrackers a shot next time your friends come over, and they’ll thank you.

Firecracker Edible

What is a firecracker edible?

The humble yet versatile firecracker edible has been around for decades. While its creator remains unknown, this enterprising individual created an easy-to-make edible snack that’s stood the test of time.

The simple homemade firecracker is far from being ‘haute cuisine,’ but it does what it needs to. Let’s face it; not everybody has the time to render batches of canna-butter or spend 12 hours infusing a turkey with weed oil.

You can put together weed firecrackers on the spur of the moment and eat them within an hour. They’re a perfect impromptu snack you can use to liven up a social gathering or enjoy alone on a day off.

Firecracker edible effects

If it’s your first time with edibles, there are a few things you need to know. Eating weed is a little different from smoking or vaping. Inhaled smoke or vapor is absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly, producing almost instantaneous results.

When you consume weed orally, cannabinoid absorption is far slower than when smoked. Effects take a lot longer to show themselves but last longer once they appear.

It takes at least 30 minutes before a standard weed firecracker starts to affect the user. Once the smooth high takes hold, it sticks around for several enjoyable hours.

First-timers need to keep these delayed effects in mind when eating firecracker edibles. It’s best to wait 30–45 minutes before eating more. If you consume multiple firecrackers before feeling the effects, you can easily deliver yourself a knockout dose by mistake.

Cannabis Edibles

Let’s get cooking firecracker edibles

The classic firecracker edible consists of a layer of peanut butter and activated cannabis sandwiched between two crackers. You can adapt and modify this basic recipe for firecrackers to your heart’s content.

We’ll show you how to make cannabis firecrackers and suggest some alternative recipes for firecrackers to kick-start your imagination. While weed firecrackers are traditionally a sweet snack, there’s no reason you can’t get inventive once you follow a few basic principles.

The only necessary steps you need to follow are to use decarbed or activated weed and a spread high in saturated fats. Monounsaturated fats are preferable to polyunsaturated, but both work.

You don’t have to be Gordon Ramsay to whip up these tasty treats, either. Weed firecrackers are supremely simple and quick to make, requiring just a few simple ingredients and some basic kitchen equipment.

If you’re ready to learn how to make a weed firecracker, let’s jump right in and get started.

What kind of weed should you put in a firecracker edible?

The type of weed you use is really down to personal preference. Use a strain with an appealing flavor profile and the effects you’re after.

A strong, tasty strain like Blueberry Feminized is an excellent choice to make a firecracker with. The heavy indica effects provide a deeply relaxing, slow-release buzz that lasts for hours.

If you’re looking for a sweet, sativa-based snack, you can’t go wrong with Strawberry Cough. Its sweet flavors go especially well in a Nutella or chocolate spread weed firecracker and imparts a giggly, cerebral high.

Weed with high THC levels naturally makes for the strongest firecracker edible, but you can use lower-grade weed or ABV/AVB.

ABV weed stands for already vaped bud. If you vape, it’s worth saving those toasted buds. Using them in a weed firecracker gives you a ‘free’ high from your used flowers.

As many of the terpenes have been burned away in AVB, it makes for a slightly less tasty cannabis firecracker. That said, it’s an efficient and thrifty way to stretch out your stash.

Blueberry cannabis plant yields
Blueberry Fem Cannabis Buds

Easy firecracker recipe step by step

Before you learn how to make firecrackers, let's take a look at what you need, ingredients, weed choice, and dose. Our weed firecrackers recipe is very straightforward, but it’s important not to skip any steps.

Weed firecrackers equipment

Let’s take a look at the equipment you need to make your own cannabis firecrackers. Most of what you require you probably already have in your kitchen.

You need:

  • An oven. A full-sized oven or a smaller toaster oven are both fine for this firecracker edible recipe.
  • A wire rack to place the weed firecrackers on in the oven.
  • Some aluminum foil. Try to use the higher quality, thicker foil if you can.
  • A plate or tray to put your finished firecracker edibles on during preparation.
  • A knife or spoon to put the spread on the crackers.
  • A digital weighing scale to measure the dosage accurately.
  • A grinder to prepare your buds. You can use a regular weed grinder or a coffee grinder.

Once you’ve gotten the necessary implements together, it’s time to gather your ingredients.

Weed firecrackers ingredients

To make the basic recipe for firecrackers, you need just three ingredients. We’ll give you the basics and some suggestions for substitutions or alterations you can try.

For a classic cannabis firecracker, you need;

  • Crackers. You can use whatever cracker you’d like; we find large, flat crackers like Salteens, Captain’s Wafers, and Graham Crackers all work well. You need two crackers for each weed firecracker.
  • Peanut butter. You can use crunchy or smooth as you prefer, but try to get a natural or organic spread. The kind where the oil separates is best. What you’re looking for is a spread with a high fat content. Each marijuana firecracker takes about a spoonful of peanut butter.
  • Cannabis. You need a few grams of your chosen strain. We’ll talk about what kind of weed and how much in the following sections.

That’s all you need to make a regular homemade firecracker. You can mix things up to your preference. As long as the weed is in contact with a fatty spread, you’re all good.

Some common substitutions for peanut butter are chocolate spreads like Nutella. You can even combine spreads—peanut butter and Nutella together makes a sumptuous sweet snack.

For a savory spin on weed firecrackers, why not use a cheese spread with some Salteens for a devilishly decadent gooey mess.

Buds ready for decarboxylation

How much weed should you put in a firecracker edible?

The amount of weed you put in your weed firecracker is totally up to you. If you’re a regular smoker, you’ll have a higher THC tolerance and can handle higher doses.

First-timers who don’t know their tolerance should play it safe and add a small amount of weed for the first firecracker. If the first serving doesn’t achieve the desired effect, you can always eat another.

It’s much better to go slow first instead of eating too much and becoming overwhelmed when the weed firecrackers kick in.

Many people don’t bother to measure how much pot they put in their cannabis firecrackers, but we suggest you do. Knowing how much you’ve consumed gives you a benchmark you can use to find your perfect edible dose.

For low tolerance users, put 0.2–0.4 grams in each firecracker edible. Users with higher tolerance levels can put more in; we’d suggest starting with 0.4–0.6 grams in your first one. Seasoned veterans can push the boat out a little further. Try one gram for a long-lasting, potent buzz.

If you’re using ‘already vaped bud’ (AVB), you should double the dose, but consider spreading the amount across two firecracker edibles.

Dosing weed
Dosing weed

How to make firecracker edibles

Alright, so you’ve got everything you need, let’s learn how to make firecrackers. Follow our simple step-by-step guide, and you’ll be chomping down on your own homemade firecracker in no time.

  1. Before starting, set your oven to 250°F. It should be fully preheated by the time you’re ready to use it.
  1. Grind your cannabis. It’s important to grind your weed as finely as you can. By breaking it down as much as possible, you make it easier for THC to infuse into the spread. A finer grain also helps improve the texture of the finished cannabis firecracker.
  1. Decarb your ground buds. If you’re using AVB, you can skip this step. Decarbing your buds is necessary to change the inactive THCA into psychoactive THC. Decarb your ground buds in the preheated oven for ten to fifteen minutes.
  1. Remove the decarbed buds from the oven and increase the temperature to 300–320°F.
  1. Now it’s time to assemble your weed firecrackers. Take a cracker and liberally spread on your topping of choice.
  1. Measure your dose of activated cannabis and sprinkle it on top of the spread. Use a toothpick or fork to mix the weed well into the spread gently. Take a second cracker and use it to make a sandwich.
  1. Your fully-constructed cannabis firecrackers are now ready to be baked. First, wrap them completely with plenty of aluminum foil. Doing this way helps keep everything nicely sealed inside instead of burning off in the oven.
  1. Place your foil-wrapped firecracker edibles in your preheated oven for 20–25 minutes at 300–320°F.
  1. Remove the baked weed firecrackers from the oven and allow them to cool inside the foil for five or ten minutes.
  1. Unwrap the mouthwatering treats from their foil covering and enjoy! Remember, the effects take a half-hour to an hour to show, so control the urge to scoff the lot!

And that’s how to make firecrackers. Stick to the ten simple steps above and try this easy firecracker edible recipe for yourself.

Firecracker Weed
Cannabis Firecracker

A sweet, creamy, and crunchy edible treat

After showing you how to make firecracker edibles, we hope that you try them out for yourself. They’re incredibly easy to make, with the whole process taking just an hour of your time, most of which is simply waiting. The process is simple and requires everyday kitchen ingredients. Give them a shot, and don’t be afraid to get creative.

Despite being a pretty low-tech edible that’s not likely to win Masterchef any time soon, weed firecrackers are incredibly adaptable. You can select every element to suit your preferences while also having complete control over the dosage you put in.

Munching on a firecracker edible is a really fun alternative way to get stoned, delivering a smooth, consistent high. While we can’t say weed firecrackers are healthy exactly, they’re certainly more lung-friendly than pipes or bong-rips.

Cannabis firecrackers are also an excellent option for medicinal users who may not be able to or wish to smoke. By eating a weed firecracker, they can benefit from the therapeutic effects of marijuana without having to smoke.

If you enjoyed learning how to make firecrackers and fancy trying your hand at some other edible recipes, we’ve got you covered. Head over to Homegrown Cannabis Co. today and browse our blogs for more inspirational ideas on tasty treats and much more.

About the author: Derek LaRose

Also known as Kronic from The Cannabis Kronicles, Derek LaRose is a young ambitious cultivator and a staple educator for indoor cultivation.

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