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Homegrown's Best Cannabis Seeds that rose to the top of the charts are here!

We narrowed down the Best Weed Seeds in our catalog based on reviews, star ratings, sales figures, reputation, influential cultivators, yields, THC levels, media mentions, and global acclaim.

It’s difficult to define what makes a ‘best cannabis seed’ without straying into subjectivity. So how do we do it? We avoided opinion and gathered some facts, adopting a more data-driven approach. We looked at reviews, star ratings, sales figures, reputation, influential cultivators, exceptional yields, flavors, THC levels, media mentions, and global acclaim. Our best weed seeds score highly in many of these areas. That said, anything people are passionate about, be it art, sports, literature, movies and so on, is naturally personal and subjective. We did our best.

This website is intended for adults only (21+)

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