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Male Weed Plants: How You Can Use Them Wisely

Posted in: Cannabis Anatomy
July 26, 2023

Male weed plants have minimal psychoactive properties and don’t produce euphoric cerebral feelings. This trait makes them seemingly redundant for growers trying to cultivate potent buds that deliver the typical high.

Males also take up space in your grow room and may even prevent female marijuana crops from producing the desired buds. Despite this issue, male plants are unique and play a vital role in marijuana cultivation.

How do male vs. female weed plants compare? What’s their purpose in cultivation? Dive in to discover the importance of male crops.


What is a male cannabis plant?

Cannabis plants are dioecious, as each crop usually has male or female reproductive organs. In a few cases, they can be monoecious and produce hermaphrodite plants featuring sexual parts of both genders.

A male cannabis plant is an individual crop with a male reproductive system. The main function of the sex organs is to produce grains in the pollen sacs that fertilize females. The appearance and uses of males differentiates them from females.

Male crops produce lower levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and other cannabinoids. They usually have weaker tastes and aromas when compared to females.

difference between male and female cannabis plants - male example

What does a male weed plant look like?

To understand what a male weed plant looks like, study its anatomical structure. In the early growth phase, it’s difficult to identify weed gender, as all sexes appear almost the same. Allow the crop to grow and wait until it develops reproductive organs.

When the crop reaches the vegetative stage, it’s possible to determine its gender. The first signs of a male weed plant include the appearance of nodes at the topmost part. After some weeks, small pollen sacs develop in the stamen, the area between a stem and a branch.

The stem of the crop produces pre-flowers with small bulbs or white hairs accompanying them. Unlike female weed plants, males don’t have pistils and calyxes.

Once they start blooming, males look completely different from females. They have larger and fewer leaves. Male crops also boast taller stems and thicker stalks for supporting their foliage, flowers, and other parts.

Male cannabis plant
Male cannabis plant

The anatomy of the marijuana plant shows male flowers are small, clustered, and form a bell-like structure.

Note that you may find both male and female sex organs on an individual cannabis plant. Such a crop is hermaphroditic and usually behaves like a male, as it also releases pollen for fertilizing females.

Treat males and hermaphrodites in the same way, as they have similar effects on your marijuana cultivation.


Top male cannabis plants uses

Male crops usually stimulate undesired pollination of females and don’t have buds with high THC content. Many growers remove them and hermaphrodites from their grow rooms once identified. 

Despite this issue, males serve other crucial purposes in cultivation. We explore what male weed plants are good for below.

Using male cannabis plants for breeding purposes

The main use of male crops is the creation of new seeds. Naturally grown seeds are critical to ensuring biological diversity and preserving cannabis strains.

While growers can produce clones with feminized plants, the process doesn’t create new weed variants. Males are useful for mixing genetic makeups of different crops to make fresh weed strains.

After staying in the flowering phase for at least four weeks, a male marijuana plant matures and opens its sacs to release pollen. These reproductive cells can travel many miles until they find a female crop.

The ovules of the female cannabis plant receive the pollen, and this triggers fertilization. After a few weeks, the crop produces male and female cannabis seeds.

Instead of allowing natural pollination and fertilization, consider collecting the reproductive cells of your preferred male crops. Use the chosen pollen to fertilize female plants to produce seeds.

Artificial breeding allows you to create the specific marijuana strain you want from male and female marijuana plants. It also enables you to cultivate crops with certain desirable traits.

Using male cannabis plants to make tea or juice

One of the primary male cannabis plant uses is the production of juice and tea with excellent therapeutic properties. Although the concentration of cannabinoids in male crops is low, it’s sufficient for making supplements.

All parts of male crops produce leafy materials for making powerful tea and juice. They’re raw and phenol-rich elements with antioxidant properties. The supplements also contain several vitamins and minerals for promoting healthy living.

Weed juice and tea from male plants don’t have significant psychotropic abilities. Take them any time of the day without experiencing mind-altering effects. Your body easily absorbs and digests them to provide certain health benefits.

Brewed weed tea and juiced leaves could aid digestion and control the endocannabinoid system. Many reports suggest the supplements may relieve chronic pain and other symptoms of cancer. They also allegedly support the heart, lungs, and bowel.

Prepare the tea by mixing the cannabis powder with warm water and letting it dissolve properly. Add cream or milk to enhance its taste and potency.

Cannabis Tea

Using male plants to make hashish and concentrates

Male marijuana flowers, leaves, and stems have small amounts of cannabinoids. Use these compounds to make hashish and concentrates, which are excellent for edibles and cannabutter.

The psychoactive properties of the leafy materials in male crops are low. Consume oil, concentrates, and hash from male plants if you want to feel a calm buzz

Using male marijuana plants for pest control

After knowing the feminized seeds meaning and planting females to produce buds, fungus gnats, nematodes, and other pests may attack them. Putting males among female cannabis plants can help eliminate these organisms.

Male weed crops synthesize pinene, limonene, and other terpenes with powerful odors. As pests try to breed below or above ground, the scents repel or eliminate them. Other plants can also enjoy the benefits for as long as they grow around male marijuana crops.

Using male weed plants for fiber

Male weed plants boast strong and fibrous stalks that support their weight. These materials help them create hemp fiber for producing the finest fabrics.

Many individuals use cannabis fibers to make a wide range of items, like ropes, bags, beanies, socks, and clothes. Since threads of male weed crops have higher resistance than other popular materials, they have more market value.

Apart from the typical male weed plant uses above, research suggests they may also have medicinal benefits. Further studies may help understand the use of males in medical settings.

Companion planting

Companion planting is the systematic arrangement of a garden to use a certain plant to promote the growth and quality of another. This act supports the growing environment and prevents pest infestation.

If a male cannabis crop develops in the same place as a female, both grow healthily and yield a bountiful harvest. As the plants bloom together, they draw the attention of pests away from the cannabinoid-rich buds.

Although companion planting is beneficial to cannabis cultivation, it may cause undesired pollination. Prevent this problem by placing the males far away from the female crops. Putting sunflowers or other plants between them can also prevent the production of seeds.

Regardless of the method you use, keep an eye on the process to make sure pollination doesn’t take place.



Do you have more questions about the uses of male weed crops? We’ve compiled answers to common queries below.

Can I smoke male marijuana plants?

Yes, you can smoke a male weed plant. However, since males don’t contain high concentrations of terpenes and cannabinoids, they don’t produce the euphoria associated with smoking weed.

Smoking male weed crops may not be worthwhile, as the effects are negligible. Female weed plants are more suitable for this purpose, as they produce buds filled with terpenes and cannabinoids.

Do male plants produce buds?

Male cannabis plants can’t make buds, as their reproductive organs aren’t designed for it. Males are only capable of producing pollen sacs for pollinating and fertilizing females.

Do male marijuana plants produce seeds?

Male plants are incapable of producing seeds. Only females can make seeds after receiving pollen grains from nearby males. The production of seeds is often undesirable, as it affects the ability to create THC-rich buds with high psychoactive effects.

Do male plants have THC?

Male plants have THC and other cannabinoids in their flowers, stems, leaves, and pollen. These compounds are used for making wax, hash, and other concentrates. The THC content of males is low and doesn’t produce strong psychoactive effects.

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